by Bob Swinson
Racism, communism, abortion, homosexuality, greed, unethical business
practices, the disintegration of the family, etc., these are but a few
of the social consequences of evolution and its humanistic philosophy.
Although not associated with evolution per se, another consequence of
evolution is the promotion of female inferiority. According to the
teachings of Darwin and many other evolutionists women are inferior to
Darwin most definitely taught that women are biologically inferior to
men. This is well documented in many of his writings. For example, Darwin
once listed the advantages of being married insofar as the man is concerned.
Darwin said," being married to a woman provided the man with a constant
companion, a friend in old age, an object to be loved and played with,
better than a dog anyhow."
Darwin also taught that adult females
closely resembled the young of both sexes and reasoned that males are more
advanced than females. Darwin was by no means alone in his beliefs. A number of
anthropologists at that time shared his views. The prevailing sentiment
then was that women's brains were analogous to animal brains in that
they had overdeveloped sense organs to the detriment of the brain.
A contemporary of Darwin, Carl Vogt, a natural history professor at the
University of Geneva, took the position that the child, the female, and
the senile white, all had the intellect and nature of the adult Negro. Volt
was by no means unique in his view. Many other evolutionists shared his
view, including George Romanes who argued that females were less
cerebral and more emotional. He shared Darwin's view that females were less
evolved than males. According to Darwin the process of natural selection caused
males to have to prove themselves physically and intellectually superior
to other males in their competition for females. Females on the other
hand, had to excel in the area of sexual attractiveness. This was part of the
thinking process among the 19th century evolutionists that promoted
female inferiority.
In addition, Darwin also used animal comparisons to make
his case that evolutionary forces caused men to be superior to women. He
drew a direct comparison between human men and the animal realm - i.e. bulls
are different from cows, the stallion from the mare and the male apes from
the female apes. Since people are nothing more than more highly evolved
animals, according to Darwin, then what is seen in the animal realm must
also be true in the human realm.
Darwin concludes... "Men attain a higher eminence, in whatever he takes
up, than can women - whether requiring deep thought, reason or imagination,
or merely the use of the senses and hands; If two lists were made of the
most eminent men and women in poetry, painting, sculpture, music history,
science, and philosophy, with half a dozen names under each subject, the
two lists would not bear comparison. We may also infer from the law of
the deviation from averages, that the average mental power in man must be
above that of women."
Obviously if Darwin expounded his views on women today
he would run into some serious opposition from today's culture. The fact
remains that Darwin definitely taught that women are inferior to men due
to the natural outworking of the evolutionary process. His position of
natural selection calls for the survival of the fittest - eliminating
the weak and promoting the strongest and smartest.
Therefore , of course,
anything that would work against natural selection would of necessity
militate against evolution. Males, then would evolve stronger, quicker,
and more intelligent because of the pressure that they would be under
to hunt, provide for the family and protect. On the other hand, females
have historically focused on domestic, less aggressive tasks and were not
under the same pressure as the males. Also, males have traditionally
shouldered the responsibility of protecting the women and children. Men went to
war and had to fight. Again, the roles would be such that weak men would be
eliminated and the stronger warriors would return and reproduce.
Topinard, a noted evolutionist, held that men were superior because of this
circumstance and stated that ..."males have all the responsibility and
the cares of tomorrow and are constantly active in combating the environment
and human rivals and thus need more brains than the women whom he must
protect and nourish."
World famous evolutionist and Harvard professor, Stephen J. Gould, wrote
that the inherent inferiority of women was a fact not to be questioned
by most nineteenth century scientists. They also believed that female
inferiority was a major evidence of natural selection in evolution. In
addition, it was universally accepted among the same group that women
and Negroes were intellectually inferior.
The nineteenth century scientists
set out to prove their position in several areas. One avenue they
explored was attempting to demonstrate a correlation between intellectual ability
and brain size, the larger the brain, the more intelligent the person.
They endeavored to show that female brains were smaller than male brains
and that brain capacity was related to intelligence. Back in the mid
eighteen hundreds a very prominent European anthropologist by the name
of Paul Broca was one of the scientists who used craniology to demonstrate
women's intellectual inferiority. He concluded, "human brains are
larger in mature adults than in the elderly, in men than in women, in eminent
men than in men of mediocre talent, in superior races than in inferior
races...Other things being equal, there is a remarkable relationship
between the development of intelligence and the volume of the brain."
He further concluded that the relatively small size of the female brain
depends in part upon her physical inferiority and in part upon her
intellectual inferiority and that the disparity between men's and
women's brains was becoming even greater.
Gustave Le Bon, founder of social
psychology and pioneer in the field of collective behavior,
wrote..."Even in the most intelligent races there are a large number of women whose
brains are closer in size to those of gorillas than to the most
developed male brains. This inferiority is so obvious that no one can contest it
for a moment; only its degree is worth discussion. Women represent the most
inferior forms of human evolution and are closer to children and savages
than to an adult, civilized man. They excel in fickleness,
inconsistency, absence of thought and logic, and incapacity to reason. Without a doubt
there exists some distinguished women, but they are as exceptional as
the birth of any monstrosity, as for example, of a gorilla with two heads;
consequently, we may neglect them entirely." Certainly not very
Another example of the type of science and faulty logic that evolution
produces is Hitler's idea of a super race. Of course this application
of natural selection and survival of the fittest resulted in the slaughter
of nearly fifteen million Jews and Christians. Karl Marx was an avid
evolutionist and formulated the philosophy of dialectical materialism
(i.e., communism) based on evolution.
The evil that evolution has
generated is beyond human comprehension. And yet, despite the untold
misery and suffering caused by evolutionary principles, despite the total lack
of supporting evidence, despite the growing body of scientific evidence
supporting the Biblical view of creation, evolution remains the world
view that dominates our public educational system, the news media, the
entertainment industry, and virtually every other facet of our society.
It is time to stop it!
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